“I just wanted to hear your voice”
Right! How else could I possibly start a beautiful day but with
a very random phone call? I don’t know why you called; it’s been months since
our last conversation, since I realized something and decided to distance myself
from you. What can you possibly want from me now? I wanted to befriend you, but
I realized it would be impossible, with you always ranting on how I left you
before and how you’d always ask me to try and see if we could make it work this
time. In all honesty, I wanted too, but the last relationship I had ended up so
ugly that I lost my appetite on love, romance and its synonyms. I’m just not
ready to commit again…yet. I know you are with someone else now, I could tell that
she likes you a lot. Which brings me back to my question, why’d you call me? Okay, I might’ve an idea why and I think that’s
real cute and sweet. Then again, guilt eats me up; you are not supposed to
behave like that. We are not friends; you don’t have to check on me. We’re two
people with history and I reckon it’s improper to say cute and sweet things to
people from your past especially when you have someone in present. It’s just
I don’t know. Try to ring me in 2013. Maybe then, some irony
in life would’ve melted. Like, people would stop running away from people who
loves them and people would stop running after people who doesn’t love them. Maybe
then things would be better for us. Maybe.